Sunday, December 18, 2011

Its been a while

Hasn't it? Woops!

I'd like to add a few things I've been doing lately.

In November I almost ruined my hair by overfeeding it protein. I didn't realize half my products contain the stuff so I had to cut back on the coconut oil (well, for the hair anyway. My skin still loves it!) I did EVO for a bit and that helped a LOT, except its still too heavy of an oil for my hair.

The fix? Argon oil. I broke in and bought me a small vial at the market and I have to admit my hair is the silkiest its been in ages ... and that says a lot considering it's been pretty damn silky.

I  have finally reached a few hair goals and I am beyond thrilled. I have celebrated by doing a few more styles than usual... and playing around with some of my favorite guru styles with my current length. It makes me quite happy.

Rope braid bun (rose bun) as of today. 

This is the same bun as of April. :D