I spent all day trying to figure out my minecraft server so Hubby and I can play together and I think my internet is crapping it out. He's to bed superbly late and I'm still left with insomnia. So, here goes.
This is the first Swap I've ever taken a part of over at LHC. I've always been rather leery of taking place with swaps of any sort as I usually end up with the shorter end of the stick. I swear, I've always ended up with shitty presents. One birthday, my male best friend's mother thought it appropriate to buy me underwear. -- Now, any Hispanic that happens to stumble across this very myopic blog and reads the previous sentence, I assure you gentle reader, they are cringing. It is a custom, nay, a fucking NEED for a Hispanic person to open up each and every goddamned present they're given for any special occasion in front of everybody. Think of Christmas but for every special occasion. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Holidays. Gift Swaps of Whatever. It happens.
During my freshman year of HS I had the misfortune of being a part of a Christmas swap with my Avid group. I wound up paired up with the Local Jock. As in, I got him and he got me. I was a goth AND a tomboy. I gave him a high end basketball and a cvs cologne. (It was not tacky smelling, it was actually quite nice. I have a nose for colognes and let us just say that while at first he was leery of such a present, he was soon wearing it when the galls ooo'd and aah'd and drooled over the scent.)
Bless his soul, he got me nail polish and a make up set.. in pink and glittery shades. I think his mom bought it for him.
Yeah. Goth me wearing pink and glitter? Hell no. I think I regifted it. Anyhow, these are just examples of how horrible my gifts usually are. (Two Christmases ago was an exception. I got an awesome Secret Santa!)
Anyway, I figured this is LHC, we're adults... I'm bound to end up with something amazing for my hair.
I will not go into the horrible mess that it was to get my shit done for my giftee. Let us just say that I was overly ambitious and forgetful of my carpal tunnel. I'm still paying for it right now and as I type, I am eyeing my brace and will soon put it on at the end of this sentence. (ah.. delicious support!) Let us just say that the only things I did not craft for my Giftee were the materials used and the edibles. I WANTED to make the edibles too but my wrist and elbow were like 'Fuck you, Demise! Attempt that and I swear to the gods I will make life so unpleasant you won't be able to wipe your ass or comb your hair without pain. You will have to have the husband do all this and he already is weird about helping you braid.'
Ahem, pardon the crudeness.
Things didn't get shipped off as soon as I hoped due to the Leech situation. But I digress.
I was drawn up by Sisko.
I received the most stunning postcard of an owl peeking over a snow capped pine branch. ^-^
Her writing is so neat I thought it had been printed out from the computer, but alas, its actually her writing. There's also another nifty owl picture on the back of the postcard. I have to find a way to pull it off the back of the post card so I can tape it up but I'm afraid of tearing it.
She also sent me the most amazing conditioner ever, cone free too! My hair loves it. I believe it may either be the avocado oil in it or the calandula or maybe even both. I do remember Gammy saying something about pressing her own avocado oil and using it for shine so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the magic potion. It smells divine and it makes me hungry as it reminds me of chocolate mints.
I also got some pretty cool cupcake wrappers. They'll be used whether I bake or not. Sometimes those wrappers are fantastic for separating marinated or steamed veggies from rice and meat. Perfect for bento.
I got a gorgeous silver and blue birds beak which upon looking at the band with the other bird beaks pinned to them is already MIA. I swear this house eats up toys. I haven't seen my wooden fork in ages and one of my black cat beads sticks is keeping it company.
Then there was this amazing lavender and shea butter soap I'm hoarding. xD
And the piece de la resistance, this beauty:
I'll have to post action shots later. I still haven't edited the pictures and most are blurry. Woops!