Monday, October 28, 2013

Kitty Kat Nails

Really, to give the name justice, they should be lions but, whatever. 

Part of this inspiration is my ever loving, and always singing cat, Sir Beartholomew Watson III and his potato sister Patches (She's a fatty and looks like a sack of potatoes. Poor thing!). 

I have two version s of this mani, one with all purple nails and the accent on the ring finger. Which, I wasn't feeling very well. It was very 'mreh'. 

Then today I was surprised by an amazing present from my hubby, a NAIL RACK. I guess he got tired of seeing polish everywhere and me complaining I can't remember what colors I have, ever. 

So as I'm organizing, I run across OPI's Riveting, which from what I understand, that was from last year's Halloween or Fall collection. I can't remember. My friend Darlene, another nail polish freak like I am, got them for me for Christmas last year. I don't care if a collection is past its season, I *love* polish. Bring it on!

Anyhow, I wound up redoing my manicure after only 24 hours, but damnit, I WANTED THAT ORANGE!

So here you go. 

It is still no 'Robin Moses' quality, but damn it, the kitty sillhouette saved my damned manicure. And it was so easy peasy... AND I think it saved the purple kitty because quite frankly, he was looking a little silly and more Batman and less Feline. 

Lets call him Bat Kitty. (His eyes glow, too!)

Items used: 

OPI - Riveting
Vinylux - Grape Gum (can you tell its my favorite?)
Vinylux - Weekly topcoat
Gellish -base on orange
Black acrylic, pictured. 

PS: if anyone knows why I said 'this manicure doesn't do the name Kitty Kat justice', your'e freaking AMAZING and I love you and I think we should have babies! 

PPS: also, I wasn't kidding when I said her videos *saved* my manicure. Not only did she save it and ensure I'm happy with my little digits for the rest of the week, a lovely tip of hers saved a whole nail. 

After putting the camera down, I banged my pinky nail against my bowl of flaming hot soup. Instead of cursing, almost crying, then starting all over (Hey, that gellish base coat takes forever to dry, okay? ) I dipped one of my fingers in the cold water I was using to clean my brush, then rubbed it over the ding. It smoothed it out instantly.  Cool tip! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fashion Show

I'm glad I was asked to join Cat last minute. It was an awesomely fun fashion show contest thing and I met some very lovely girls.

I also discovered I have a nack and desire for photography so we'll see where this goes.  Anyhow, I'm supre proud of myself as this was the first time I actually photographed another human being with an artsy setting. Usually I shoot plants, my cats and I like to catch my human friends candidly.  This is my first time getting artsy fartsy. Bwuahaha

I put my hair up in a simple nautilus bun myself. I had a bit of a panic attack and didn't know what to do with myself. lol

Anyhow, here are some pictures of what I did last night. I still have a ton more to edit, but alas, my PC has half the ram it usually runs on so everything is *super* slow.

The model is Torri Fry-- she's absolutely amazing. Thank you for letting me experiment with you, miss thang! 

I really can't wait to work with this woman again. <3

I just rather like the super contrast in this. I like playing with shadows and lights. 


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hairbow !!

Time to punish Slayer of Things, by twisting her into a mother flogging HAIR BOW.


And in the process of doing this, she destroyed two bobby pins and almost snapped the hair tie. Damnit.

Don't mind the dorky look. I was trying to find a decent angle and concentrating hard. Brows are a mess, Slayer an oil slick and the center part fighting the bobby pin to a certain death. It doesn't look too great, but I think I can work with it. 

I'm trying to salvage my Halloween costume. I WANTED a beard. I was going to be the bearded lady, but alas, ran out of time and money so now I can't go get the hair laying stuff. And I work in an office... having Slayer bearded all over my face would make it difficult and hot. 

I don't know what I'll do come next Thursday, but I'll have it posted. :D 

Left in Stitches

I channeled the corpse bride for this one. OooooOooo.
Vinylux Grape Gum and topcoat, Sally Hansen Nail Pen in Silver
black acrylic paint

This look was done on Sunday night. It is now Thursday night going into Friday (currently, my clock says 10:07pm) and the only repair I had to do was on the index finger of this same hand. It would have lasted longer but the integrity of the nail itself was compromised. I am sure I could have accomplished almost day 6 or 7 without issues.

See, I have dry nails. Superbly dry and while not completely brittle, they are fairly thin. The condition of my nails, while not completely fubared, is pretty sad to the point that I cannot leave my nails bare or they start peeling. Like onions.

I found Nail magazine online and I found myself lost in the client health section and I found my nails there. Well, not *my* nails but one of a pair of hands with the same issue I do.
And yes, my nails HAVE been like the dry and brittle ones pictured.

Now, if you look at the middle finger and ring finger of the right hand, see how there is a bit of nail peeled off from the free edge into the nail bed? Yeah, that's what happens to my nails. The index finger of my left hand just suffered something like that. No amount of polish and miracle glue would keep my manis from chipping when the nail itself is broken. All I can do at this point is condition my nails, keep them painted and trim back the damage. 

I also didn't realize that while I've been doing all I can to combat the peeling, some of what I was doing was wrong. My nails are splitting because they are dry as fuck. God, if this isn't sign number 1002 that I am dehydrated to all hell, I don't know what is. (That's another subject for a different blog post. Let us just say that it is a recurring theme. Fine, Universe, I get it... I'm going to go sip on some water now. blergh.)

I *can* say that the fact that vinylux does bond to the keratin of the nail, it adds an extra layer of strength to my weak little nail beds so they're doing better. I got the tiniest sliver of overhang on some of my nails today and I scratched. I scratched an itch and they didn't hurt! (Sometimes my nails are so bendy they break doing this). 

Anyhow, follow the link (click on the example picture) and read on. It is SUCH a fascinating thing to read.

In fact, I blame Robin Moses but I kind of want to become a manicurist now. Sadly, I have me some weight to shed to help relieve my carpal tunnel. I had a nice chat with B from work today (she's the nail tech instructor) and she said that while I do have the passion and talent, my career will be short lived if I don't take care of my wrist now. 

Alright, Universe, reason 1001358u093.4 ^pie why I should do this health thing seriously. I'm the artistic sort and having a bum wrist (or in my case, wrists) is preventing me from having a fulfilling career. Being as heavy as I am I cannot be on my feet to warrant a 12+ shift in a kitchen... and I can't have a nice 8+ shift doing hands and feet either. Sonofabitch. 

While I still do not feel up to going to the gym yet, I will uptake my water intake (again) and start the walking thing. I've been cigarette free for a few days now... and come to think of it, I haven't had coffee in as much either. 

Baby steps, Demise, baby steps! Ya don't want to fail again, do ya?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Spooky mani

Spooktacular evening!

I did this mani, I kid you not, almsot four days ago. Nary a chip. WOO! 

I've been struggling to take a decent picture of the damned thing, so here you go. It isn't the best, but whatever. 

As you'll see later, I wasn't too happy with the witch so I re-painted her.  Anyhow, the mudflap witch is not very mudflappish but I tried. I blame Robin Moses for that one. LOL 

I'm only keeping this last one here because its the only one that shows the pinky.


Vinlyx polishes in the following --

Thumb - Grape Gum
Ring finger - Gilded Pleasures
Rest of fingers - purple purple

Top coat: 
Vinylux Weekly Top Coat


Black acrylic paint painted with a trimmed up 00 brush. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Battle of the Detangling Brush!

ETA: 10/22/13 I had pictures ready to load onto the blog but I had a computer crash. I lost all my blog pictures, my programs and meh. I'll just have to take new ones. Its not that difficult, I'm just in a lazy mood. It doesn't help that I'm in the process of selling an old desk and setting up a new dresser from Ikea, and my dishwasher broke. I'm telling you, GREMLINS.

Now, as far as any of my reviews go, I have [b] never been given any product directly from the manufacturer for the sole purpose of reviewing. [/b]. I work for a company that handles a lot of beauty products so I get free stuff for whatever reason.

Either we have excess, the item is discontinued or for some reason or another the product simply does not meet our standards. Too new, patent pending, marketing doesn't think it fits our demographic, its strange, what have you. 

So, here goes. I'm only taking off points out of 10

Round 1

The name. 

Tangle Teezer -- Okay, I get it. Its a pun on the 'tease' as in, easing something out. It tells me its suppose to be gentle on tangles and help ease them out instead of tearing through them. 
The "Wet" Brush -- Is it supposed to be a dry brush only, meaning as it only supposed to be used on dry hair or can it be used on wet hair too? The quotations are throwing me off as they are often use to mark a spoken conversation or at times, used to denote deadpan sarcasm. 

Score: Tangle Teezer (10), "Wet" Brush (10)

Round 2


The TT 
  • While it is fatter, and therefore 'larger' than the 'The "Wet" Brush' (henceforth WB), it is hollow. It is composed of two piece of plastic, the top being the dome 'handle' and the bottom, being the bristles.
  • The bristles are composed of one solid piece of plastic of different shape. You got long bristles and short bristles. 
  • These bristles are firm but quite bendy so it pulls a knot on the hair. However, it bends backward before it actually tugs at the hair making the knot tighter. The longer bristles pull at knots toward the center of the section of hair. The shorter ones onto the surface knots. 
  • The bristles are so pliable I can brush my hair the way a person intuitively uses a brush, even when my hair is wet and tangled. Meaning, I start from root to tip. It doesn't tug, pull or snag my hair.
  • I have a tender head. Sometimes, when using firmer bristles I hurt my own head. Not with the TT.
  • It takes about 2-5 minutes to detangle my TBL, m, ii/iii hair. (that is Tail Bone Length, medium strand, thicker than average but not super thick dense hair.) That's a feat as it can take about fifteen to twenty with my fingers alone and a good ten with a wide toothed comb. 
 - It doesn't have a handle so when my carpal tunnel is acting up really bad and I'm wearing my brace, I cannot use it. I *can* use it when I don't wear a brace in the instance I do lose it -- which is quite often. So I guess its a weird pro-negative. 

Wait, that's a wash isn't it? Not really a negative unless I've been stupid with the video games/drawing. 

- I cannot use it to brush my hair up into a bun/pony tail. The bristles are just not firm enough to carry all the hair from the scalp to the center of my head. I can sometimes make it work by re-brushing the underside (nape to ear area) until I can feel all the layers of the hair are laying flat against my scalp. But not so much when my hair is close to wash day. At that point my hair is just too thick and unmanageable.  (I wash my hair once ever 5-7 days. I start getting grease ball headed around day 5 or 6 depending how hot it is.)

  • It is super light. 
  • It has a handle on the days when my carpal has gotten so bad I need to wear a brace. Basically it comes in super handy post video game binging.
  • I like the material the back and handle is composed of. It is firm like plastic just soft like silicone. I want to say it is almost velvety. I sometimes sit there and run my fingers across the handle. I'm a highly tactile individual, so  I find this a total plus. 
  • The bristles are long and super bendy.
  • I can gather ALL my hair to the top of my head without either a) having to bend over at the waist or b) having to re-brush the nape to make sure the bottom isn't bent and gathered in places. 
  • It is amazing with knots on dry hair! 
- It is composed of three parts : A handle, a cushion and bristles. This three-part construction means there are three places my hair can get caught in. In the seam between the handle and the cushion, in the area where the bristles poke through the cushion (though honestly, it is really well made in this point so I can see this only becoming a problem when it gets older) and where the ball tip is glued onto the bristle. Again, this last point only becomes an issue with wear and tear but quite frankly, for a brush this expensive, I expect it to last a LONG ass time and perhaps, not even need a replacement unless something happens to it, like.. I break it.

-Its handle is super thin and not ergonomically friendly like the TT. When I feel a flare up coming, this brush actually hurts me when I use it.

- While the bristles are forgiving, yet firm, they are all the same length. There is no real give when a knot happens to cross the path of the brush. Most of the time it detangles easy but sometimes... it pulls, the knot tightens and then it hurts. 

- I cannot, CANNOT, use this brush on my wet hair. Even if I start from the bottom and work my way up, it simply tugs too hard. It hurts my scalp and I end up shedding a lot more than I do with the TT. I don't have this issue when my hair is dry, though.

Score: TT (9), WB (5) 

Round 3


TT & WB:  They're both super light. Heavier than a plastic barber comb and lighter than a goodie travel brush. 

They actually weigh the same. 

Score: TT (9), WB (5)


ding, ding! 

October Haul!

Recently I was gifted a few things that I decided to give them a try, because, why the hell not? They were free. They are hair products and I like hair products.

Especially if i don't pay for them.

So, I got my grubby little hands on the following:

  • The "Wet" Brush (I don't know who thought that was a good name. More on this tomorrow.
  • Moroccan Oil (the treatment)
  • Vinylux Polishes 
  • Blondeshell toning shampoo and conditioner.  <-- This one I've had for a while but I forgot about them, just found them and tried them out today. 

I'd go into more details but it is 1 am and I'm entertaining the cats with string. 

Vinylux Results!

At first, I thought it was a total bust. I had two major chips today when I ran my hands through my hair. I had a tiny little incidental inbetween the swirls as well... I came home, fixed the chip and redid both nails. I just now logged onto the blog to complain about this, saw the date and had to do a double take.

I posted back on 10/09. Today is 10/15. That's 6 days. Though I can't confirm right now (LHC is being dumb and laggy for me. I think it may be my internet connection) but I may have put on the polish evening of the 8th.

Well, if that's the case, this polish lasted almost the full 7 days it promised it would. I'm sure it would have been fine if a) I had done a proper manicure (i.e. clean the cuticles and nail bed) b) waited on adding cuticle oil until AFTER I put on the polish. I did it first... then I remembered I bought polish and slapped it onto an oiled nail bed. Woops.

Anyhow, I'm glad I went back to the salon and bought two more colors. I've noticed I'm very into metallics this season. Interesting.

Anyhow, so what I thought was a bust, really was a must and for that, I am glad

Score : 9 out of 10.

Would be a ten if I had done proper application.

Damn.. I should've just put on a new color today...

Friday, October 11, 2013

I should blog

But I have been too busy doing this sort of thing lately. I have so much to write but I got this leech that sucks up all my attention.

I blame the heat. He holds all the heat and I adore my calenton con tripas.

:: curls up to the hubbyness :: 

I love the cold months; he can't push me away anymore as I'm finally cool enough for him to cuddle up with. HAHAHA.. I win! :D

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


How I adore thee. It has only been a few hours but you've already exceeded my expectations.

I knew I should have when Work Wife managed to last it six days. SIX... until she ruined the mani with fabric paint and a corner of it lifted. Her incessant need to pick beat the polish, but six days? That's crazy.. this is the same girl which regular polish lasts her a day, maybe two... and shellac about four days.

This is Gilded Pleasure by Vinylux polish from CnD. It has no base coat and I've been too lazy to put on the top coat. So far, it has survived cat hair, itching, (it dried faster than regular polish!), dings, a pedi and a round of dishes. No chips.

I have no dings.

Well, I did get a ding early on and I had to remove it. Suffice to say removal of this stuff is a lot easier than shellac or any other gel polish. Regular acetone on a cotton round did the trick, just like regular polish. Love this stuff! I mean, I have the feeling that I'll get the same--if not better-- than my diy uv-less gel mani I've been doing lately.  a) I don't have to wait as long for the damned thing to dry. b) I have even less chips than that mani for the same amount of work.


I figured I should make my nails less 3CPO and bling it out a bit.

It took some very, very slow work on my part to come up with some decent swirls on my right hand, and I am proud of myself. I may be ambidextrious but I'm not that great with a brush. I guess slow and steady does it. 

Robin Moses should be proud. ^.^ I took some of her tricks to make the swirls. (Ironically, my left-handed swirls are loopier than the right handed ones. LOL)