Saturday, September 1, 2012

Whacked out routine

It all started because I've been working late on Tuesdays and coming home much too tired to take wash my hair, then I'm way too wired to sleep early and wake up absurdly late.

See, the thing is I take showers at night. I like to be clean and sweat free before I slip into my clean sheets at night. I don't like blow drying and my hair takes HOURS to air dry. Washing my hair does take some fine scheduling and planning ahead. Wet hair is annoying. Its even more annoying going to sleep with wet hair because damp pillows suck donkey balls.

I'm also working out too which makes the whole scalp care that much more tedious. I had managed to stretch out my washes to about 3-4 days in between without even looking greasy anymore. Now that I'm more active I have a major case of the greaseballs the next day. Its irritating.

Oh well. I'm working out, that's all that matters. I'll just have to work on two routines that'll work flawlessly:

A work out routine (i.e. days I go to the gym because right now its non existent. I just go when I go. I try to make it in twice or three times a week.) and a wash routine.

I also need to find some good up dos for my hair because I'm starting to notice splits where the ends stick out of my braid and rub against my back. The Dutch braid I use finally reaches my waist. AWESOME.


  1. I find that a dutch braid pinned into a bun with amish pins is the way to go for working out. That's how I wear it for kickboxing, and it's a really solid style. A LWB with a 60th street fork also works. :)

  2. Sadly, I haven't gotten my hands on Amish pins yet. I got regular U pins but those suckers are flimsy and my hair spits them out. I got jumbo pins I could use but that just ends up with too many rigid tips in one area and its an Ouchie disaster.

    Though I did do a spin off version of this anyway. I did two half dutch braids to pin my bangs back, gathered the loose hair (and the braids) into a pony then did a figure 8 bun. It held like a rock.

    I will try the dutch braid bun at some point though. I promise!
