Thursday, June 13, 2013

Nail Experiment

This happened on accident.

I got shellac about a month and a half ago. My nails grew magnificently and upon removing the shellac, there was no peel in sight. I'd been diligent in maintaining moisture on my nails as per Miley's strict instructions.  So twice a day I rubbed me some sweet almond oil on all ten nails twice a day.

Then I removed the shellac a month after the original application when I experienced my FIRST chip. I came home, did a mani, and that's when shit happened.

I somehow kept forgetting to moisturize my right hand. Adding the oil concoction is easy for me as I work at a call center. I kind of keep my bottle at work, do my thing between calls, blah blah. But we'd been so busy and I'd been trying to baby my right hand (carpal flare up) I kept using my left hand the most. I was hyper aware of what my left hand was doing while my right hand rested.

I often keep my right hand in its brace and on my lap when it gets this bad.

Anyhow, that meant I forgot to moisturize the right hand nails.

Two weeks later, lo and behold, SPLITS and cracks. I managed to file off all the damage on the pointer finger. I also patched up my middle finger from a break  (It actually cracked, then gave way at work.) and I had a pretty bad peel on my thumb.

So they're all patched up and now I'm working on nursing those babies back to health.

the more I look at my hands, the more obvious it is that my left hand is doing so much better. The cuticles are  sleek, smooth, not a hang nail in sight. All five nails are nice and strong, no peel in sight.

Right hand? Split cuticles, a few hang nails, peeling. -.-

Again, I should know better. After all, this is all basic hair care just on the nails instead!

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