Saturday, June 22, 2013

Plant Growth

Holy moly, it is insane!

I don't remember if I posted the picture of the potatoes back when I posted my manicure, but if I didn't, the buds were tiny. They were just that, buds, no larger than my pinky nail. Thursday, we had a downpour. I wish I could say I was exaggerating since its the PNW but I'm not joking. We had thunder, lightning, the whole kit and kaboodle.

I forgot about the plants. I didn't cover them.

Anyhow, I walked out yesterday night for a smoke. (I know, I know, I keep falling back off the wagon. At least I'm not a heavy smoker, and its more like a 'once a week' thing now instead of the 'omg, I need one every day!' status.) I look over at my plants, half expecting them to be dead.

First, I see my onion. The sprouts are about six inches and beautiful.

Then I looked down at the planter/tub on the floor and just about shat myself.  Because of this:

I'm worried the planet will not be big enough for the potatoes now. Mind you, this is all from a single, red potato that I had in the kitchen that had begun to bud. I cut it up into three, stuck it in the ground and walked away. I've wtered them like once a week. 

Yes, that is a water bottle in the back. I cut the bottom off, capped it, drilled holes around the shoulder of the bottle and shoved it into the ground. That's how I water my plants. I just pour about half a pitcher worth of water once a week and walk away. The dirt is garden variety dirt, easy to drain and the tub has a bunch of holes drilled into it for more drainage. I found this way is easiest to water the plants without disturbing the seeds.  I have two bottles, one on each side for easier water distribution. 

Onion from scrap and a dormant carrot that decided to sprout after a year of hibernation.

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