Monday, November 4, 2013

Henna Inspired flowers

Besides for the difficulty level in working with henna into super long hair WITHOUT help, I am a huge fan of henna. (Hubby says it reminds him of baby poo and refuses to help me) I can spend hours watching it be applied into patterns onto the skin in a daze.

Last night I applied Essie's Fishnet's Stockings and China Glaze's Ruby Slippers (One of my ultimate favorite polishes!). It was a hasty application and not entirely even but it worked -- I was in a hurry, I only had 20 minutes before day time and I was presenting myself to a new job today. I didn't want completely trashed nails.  (I'm still using the Vinylux's weekly top coat. That stuff's amazing. Last week's mani made it to Sunday before it began to chip.) While the mani looked cute and classic, I wanted MOAR.

I have to admit I have gotten spoiled by nail art.

Anyhow, I wasn't ready to do the cameo nails yet, although I have been practicing with both my left and right hands. Yes, I am ambidextrous but my pressure control of the brush with my left hand is to be desired. I can do some lovely designs as long as they are of silhouettes or very basic swirls. The moment I want to do something more complicated, say, a fleur de lis, a filigree or more complicated scroll work, you can see the difference. I start panicking, my hand starts to shake.. the art is just not as solid.  I can hide it in some designs but in others, its just too obvious.

Ironically enough, my left hand is usually better in detail. Probably because I *do* slow down considerably. I just have to take a deep breath and relax. But when it comes to the more fluid designs, I panic and hence... the shakyness.

But I am fucking AMAZING with pencil. My writing with the left is almost indiscernible from the right when it comes to block letters and sometimes, print. The speed in which I work is pretty decent too as long as I don't try to get too loopy... which I almost always want to do since I'm a cursive writer with my non-dominant hand. -- tldr; I was born a southpaw but due to superstitions, I was forced a rightie. I do just about everything with my left except write or brush my teeth.... and the right half of my face when doing my make up.

So, just as when I was about to call it a blah mani week, I found my sally hansen nail pens.. VIOLA, I knew what to do.

And this was born:

I'm not too pleased with the scroll work, but the design is still pretty awesome. 

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