Thursday, June 20, 2013

DIY Gel Mani thoughts.

Alright, its been a few days.

The previous post was a bit of a misnomer. While it felt like Monday to me, I'm still pretty sick and loopy. Turns out it was really Tuesday (or was it Wednesday? As I said, LOOPY). Anyhow, I had decided to change the mani because a) I really wasn't feeling the Inkwell and Asphalt scheme. b) I had a huge chip on my left forefinger. Despite all the abuse I put my right hand through, its always the left forefuckingfinger that chips first. -.-

Anyhow, I did my mani, dried it with the OPI Dry Drops (thank god, because Gelous takes FOREVER to dry otherwise). The next day I then put my hands through some brutal deep cleaning in the kitchen. I don't even know why the hell I forgot to put on gloves, but I didn't. Here's what I did:

1) While I ran a dishwasher full of dirty dishes through on a cycle, I hand washed sink full and a half of dishes   in the hottest water possible. The house really gets dirty as fuck when BOTH members of the Clean Team get sick.

2) Wiped down the counters with bleach to remove stains. Actually, I lied. It wasn't bleach. it was Lysol tile cleaner. I think that's stronger than bleach. -shrug-

3) Swept the floors.

4) Put all the dishes away.

I did all this before going to bed at 2 am.

Today, I found one, teeny, tiny little micro chip on the forefinger and another on the thumb of my right hand. I filed those suckers down with a regular emery board while at work. Then came home and washed my hair.

I got another micro little chip. More like a tiny little lift that I quickly filed away with a regular emery board then buffed away with a four-sided block buffer.

I then proceeded to slap on another coat of Gelous, dry that off with OPI dry drops and then proceeded to give my husband a pedicure. In which I (I am so sorry I am telling the whole world this, my love) removed the pearlescent pink polish I put on his toes about three weeks ago with pure acetone.

My manicure is still perfect. His toes? A lot less girly and with all the snarls filed away.

I adore my otherwise metrosexual husband whose fabulousness and girliness overshadows my own, (I swear that man can take LONGER than I do in the bathroom getting ready and frets more over his clothes than I do.) but fuck, he has some gnarly ass feet unless I do something about it. You would THINK he'd be more hand and foot orientated considering his mother is a nail technician but all that stuck out of her beautician days  have been all about hair, skin and overall grooming.

Oh well. I can't win them all. Again, I have a man with impeccable fashion sense, fantastic hair, perfectly groomed face and a delicious smell. But then again, there is something to say about a man who is so secure in his masculinity that he is willing to waltz around town wearing flip flops and letting the world see his pretty pink little toes.... all because his wife had a whim to test some polish on him since she already had a manicure  that was not ready to be demolished.

Anyhow, back on track.

DIY Gel Mani results? Fabulous. I think I can save myself a bit more money and not bother with the gel polish kit for a while yet.

But seriously.. the first time I tried it, I had considered it a failure because IT TOOK SO LONG TO DRY.

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