Sunday, November 24, 2013

I'm over the moon

About my moon from Ravenscroft!

I don't have much to say at the moment as I'm about to start house cleaning, but I had to share.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Moons and Nails

I just purchased a moon from Ravenscroft a few days ago and it dawned on me I have *never* posted a picture of it on the blog. -le gasp- how dare I? 

Anyhow, here ya go: 

I'll take a better shot of it when I get my new moon. I purchased this current moon off of a member from the LHC on the 3rd hand market. I *always* wanted a Ravenscroft moon and had been oggling the forks/sticks (Stork?) for years. Ever since... well, I can't remember when or how I stumbled across them. I think it was her Etsy page years ago when I was looking for a comb. I somehow got suckered into her page. 

ANYWAY, I'd been waiting, waiting, for years. Her moons are pricey for the size I need: 4+ inches as Slayer is down to my tail bone... and it is on the thicker end of normalcy. Pardon the bushy ass brow, I haven't groomed myself in a few weeks. Having a fever a few times a week, a cough that keeps you up all night and having laryngitis does that to some people. 

Where was I going with this? (The Night time medicine is starting to kick my ass here) Oh. yeah! I thought her store had been closed or something. Nope! IT JUST TURNS OUT THE MOONS SELL LIKE HOTCAKES. Like, ridiculously quick. 

I'm still in disbelief that I *managed* to buy one. I keep looking at my bank statement and the transaction on Etsy a few times a day and I still can't fathom my actually owning a piece of Ravenscroft.. from the first hand market. This new moon is mine, all mine... and no one, except maybe Shirl Ann herself if she feels compelled to test her Storks (Ficks?) and it just feels me with some silly flutterflies in my tummy. Its dumb, I know, since I already *own* a moon, but I'm not its first owner. 

And hair toys, like animals, are to be loved, cherished and held on to, forever. These moons have found their Forever home with me, for I intend to keep these babies, even if I had to chop all of my hair tomorrow. I mean, hair grows back, my babies will wait for me. 

Well, once I get the new Moon I will have to write a review about them, complete with fantastic, better-seen action shots. -nod-

Now, on to the Mani. 

I did a Navy Blue French mani on Sunday. (Oddly enough the polish from deb matches the blue of my scion perfectly, complete with the pearlescent shinies.) But... I got so used to having *some* form of nail art, I felt naked. So I added a few skulls and vines today. 

You know, to better emphasize my mood: I feel like death, but girly, flowery and I will be amazingly girly during my sickness. PERIOD.

I used a no-brand white polish and Sally Hansen's nail art pen. The only thing I noticed I really *hate* about those stinking pens is the tendency that the ink, if it dries too fast, cracks. Sometimes I just want a smooth, dark line without cracks, dengit! 

Oh well. A girl can dream. 

And with this, I am done for the day--er night-- as I'm starting to pass out at my desk, all the while getting more and more incoherent (as well as horribly finger tied. Srsly, it took me seven, SEVEN TRIES to spell 'more' correctly.) 

You know you're a longhair when...

You're sick as a dog and desperate to get your hair out of your face you.... reach for the nearest thing that is somewhat sturdy and use THAT to hold your hair up.

I've been known to use paper clips, binder pins, pens, pencils, chopsticks and even surgical calipers to hold my hair up. (Note: DO NOT do the calipers as the hinge bit can snag hair and its going to just, mreh.. it was badish. I lost a few little hairs on that one. I mean, c'mon, they're essentially SCISSORS, just without the cutting bits. What a dumb dumb!)

Anyhow, I was feeling beyond *meh*. I had completely lost my voice Tuesday of last week and because I am currently during the training process for a brand new job, I couldn't call out to get better. This was taken on Friday... I had a migraine and I had my hair loose. Eventually that grossed me out when I broke into a slight fever and ALAS, I had *nothing* to put my hair up.  (I lost my blue altoid can with my hair ties and bobby pins somewhere... now as I type this, I think I know where it is: my overnight bag. I shall check once I'm finished here.)

I checked my bag, there was no hair tie. No stray pins. Not even a pencil. As I was shuffling around like a zombie during my first break to go ahead and make myself some ramen, I spied the eating utensils. Now, my work place is far from cheap so the utensils were not the super bendy-I-will-break-if-you-look-at-me-wrong type and I decided to... use them.

I suppose its the Western version of using chopsticks in one's hair.

Don't mind the goofy face. I *was* (and sort of am still) feeling like poopie. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dwarf and Braids

I wanted to *be* the bearded lady. I wanted to have amazing make up, super girly dress and a fantastic, full beard.

Then I realized I was broke and all I could do was my make up.

But I wanted to dress up, damn it! Nothing was going to stop me, okay? I had gone FIVE YEARS without wearing a costume for Halloween now. FIVE.. not gonna happen, for I AM STUBBORN!

And so I remembered I still have my Gypsy's garb (I play one at Shadow Accord LARP), decided to omit the scarves and slapped on a bodice from my handfasting five years ago. Woot, now I looked like a bar wench.

But that beard, it called to me. So I decided to put my braiding gifts to good use, and figured out this beast during the work day.

I went through three incarnations-- the first didn't ahve much support and it had all of my hair pulled to the front. It was too hot and the more I talked, the more the stache fell down. I ended up with the gnarliest chin strap, ever.

Two, I pulled the stache over my ears and threaded only half my hair into this weird chin-strap, stripey Egyptian goatee thing with the odd fu-man chu tendrils. They came out more like sideburns, but I digress. I then braided the rest of my hair into side braids. Worked FANTASTIC... until it came to eating lunch.

I wound up inhaling stray bits all over the place.

So Idid the goatee a few times. I'd pull the hair loose, eat, and braid again. It was awesome and very, very comfortable. I know it looks like the braids were tight against my cheeks, but I assure you, my gentle reader, it didn't hurt.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Henna Inspired flowers

Besides for the difficulty level in working with henna into super long hair WITHOUT help, I am a huge fan of henna. (Hubby says it reminds him of baby poo and refuses to help me) I can spend hours watching it be applied into patterns onto the skin in a daze.

Last night I applied Essie's Fishnet's Stockings and China Glaze's Ruby Slippers (One of my ultimate favorite polishes!). It was a hasty application and not entirely even but it worked -- I was in a hurry, I only had 20 minutes before day time and I was presenting myself to a new job today. I didn't want completely trashed nails.  (I'm still using the Vinylux's weekly top coat. That stuff's amazing. Last week's mani made it to Sunday before it began to chip.) While the mani looked cute and classic, I wanted MOAR.

I have to admit I have gotten spoiled by nail art.

Anyhow, I wasn't ready to do the cameo nails yet, although I have been practicing with both my left and right hands. Yes, I am ambidextrous but my pressure control of the brush with my left hand is to be desired. I can do some lovely designs as long as they are of silhouettes or very basic swirls. The moment I want to do something more complicated, say, a fleur de lis, a filigree or more complicated scroll work, you can see the difference. I start panicking, my hand starts to shake.. the art is just not as solid.  I can hide it in some designs but in others, its just too obvious.

Ironically enough, my left hand is usually better in detail. Probably because I *do* slow down considerably. I just have to take a deep breath and relax. But when it comes to the more fluid designs, I panic and hence... the shakyness.

But I am fucking AMAZING with pencil. My writing with the left is almost indiscernible from the right when it comes to block letters and sometimes, print. The speed in which I work is pretty decent too as long as I don't try to get too loopy... which I almost always want to do since I'm a cursive writer with my non-dominant hand. -- tldr; I was born a southpaw but due to superstitions, I was forced a rightie. I do just about everything with my left except write or brush my teeth.... and the right half of my face when doing my make up.

So, just as when I was about to call it a blah mani week, I found my sally hansen nail pens.. VIOLA, I knew what to do.

And this was born:

I'm not too pleased with the scroll work, but the design is still pretty awesome.