Thursday, June 13, 2013

Horrible blogger me

I consistently give myself some goals and deadlines but fail short of keeping them. I wonder if I'm afraid of success or I'm just simply too easily distracted into doing other things.

Probably a little bit of column A followed by column B.

I blame my current distraction in the form of LARPing. I fell into it back in March and look forward to each game. I'm missing this weekends event due to my allergies. Damnable, insufferable allergies that would be no issue if I were a responsible adult who stayed on top of her medication.

If only for the sole reason that doing so prevents hair sheds. -.-

LTDR; I was dumb. Didn't take either my thyroid medication or my allergy medication for about two months. Lots of things are kicking me in the ass right now. I've become quite a symptomatic hypothyroid. Starting from the alarming hair shed, to the inflamed carpal issues, dried skin and horrible allergies.

I'm sitting here with what feels like a horrible cold. The flu even. Except... there's no fever. Just the damanble cough, the congestion, the MIGRAINE that comes with the sinus pressure and the voice loss because of all the damned coughing caused by the nasal drip form the inflamed sinuses. (See, its a horrible cycle of suffering!)

I know its allergies because of the color of my phlegm. It is colorless and odorless. For a second there I thought I had strep again. (Yes. Again. I got tonsilitis to boot so I get strep throat yearly pretty much.) So. There's that.

I wish I could sleep. Everytime I lay down, I can't breathe and the cough gets worse... I actually fell asleep sitting up last night. My neck is sore.

Anyhow, the good news means since I have no character creation/work to distract me, I have been a little bit of a busy bee with my hair.

I'll let the following post explain.

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