Thursday, October 24, 2013

Left in Stitches

I channeled the corpse bride for this one. OooooOooo.
Vinylux Grape Gum and topcoat, Sally Hansen Nail Pen in Silver
black acrylic paint

This look was done on Sunday night. It is now Thursday night going into Friday (currently, my clock says 10:07pm) and the only repair I had to do was on the index finger of this same hand. It would have lasted longer but the integrity of the nail itself was compromised. I am sure I could have accomplished almost day 6 or 7 without issues.

See, I have dry nails. Superbly dry and while not completely brittle, they are fairly thin. The condition of my nails, while not completely fubared, is pretty sad to the point that I cannot leave my nails bare or they start peeling. Like onions.

I found Nail magazine online and I found myself lost in the client health section and I found my nails there. Well, not *my* nails but one of a pair of hands with the same issue I do.
And yes, my nails HAVE been like the dry and brittle ones pictured.

Now, if you look at the middle finger and ring finger of the right hand, see how there is a bit of nail peeled off from the free edge into the nail bed? Yeah, that's what happens to my nails. The index finger of my left hand just suffered something like that. No amount of polish and miracle glue would keep my manis from chipping when the nail itself is broken. All I can do at this point is condition my nails, keep them painted and trim back the damage. 

I also didn't realize that while I've been doing all I can to combat the peeling, some of what I was doing was wrong. My nails are splitting because they are dry as fuck. God, if this isn't sign number 1002 that I am dehydrated to all hell, I don't know what is. (That's another subject for a different blog post. Let us just say that it is a recurring theme. Fine, Universe, I get it... I'm going to go sip on some water now. blergh.)

I *can* say that the fact that vinylux does bond to the keratin of the nail, it adds an extra layer of strength to my weak little nail beds so they're doing better. I got the tiniest sliver of overhang on some of my nails today and I scratched. I scratched an itch and they didn't hurt! (Sometimes my nails are so bendy they break doing this). 

Anyhow, follow the link (click on the example picture) and read on. It is SUCH a fascinating thing to read.

In fact, I blame Robin Moses but I kind of want to become a manicurist now. Sadly, I have me some weight to shed to help relieve my carpal tunnel. I had a nice chat with B from work today (she's the nail tech instructor) and she said that while I do have the passion and talent, my career will be short lived if I don't take care of my wrist now. 

Alright, Universe, reason 1001358u093.4 ^pie why I should do this health thing seriously. I'm the artistic sort and having a bum wrist (or in my case, wrists) is preventing me from having a fulfilling career. Being as heavy as I am I cannot be on my feet to warrant a 12+ shift in a kitchen... and I can't have a nice 8+ shift doing hands and feet either. Sonofabitch. 

While I still do not feel up to going to the gym yet, I will uptake my water intake (again) and start the walking thing. I've been cigarette free for a few days now... and come to think of it, I haven't had coffee in as much either. 

Baby steps, Demise, baby steps! Ya don't want to fail again, do ya?

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