Thursday, January 9, 2014

Today I was lazy

And did nothing that I wanted to do except maybe drink me some tea and wash the bedding. 

I've done some light cleaning but not enough for me to go on a hike/shoot tomorrow and NOT feel antsy that nothing was done today. I hate those days. I don't even understand why I've been so anxious lately, but I have. I go to make myself some tea and I find myself putting away dishes, doing another load, scrubbing the counters and .. then my tea's cold. -.- 

I go to use the bathroom and I find myself  distracted by the grout that needs cleaning, and the ton of beauty products that need cleaning. 

Ugh. I hate it when I get like this. I can't seem to enjoy the little things at that point. I find myself nit picking them. 

That just means I need more social time with people. Play some games like Party Jenga or go crazy building mazes in which the object of the game surreptitiously moves from trying to get to the temple and be safe from being eaten by the Minotaur to see how many times we can get this beast laid by sacrificial lambs.

And now, we spice things up!

So this whole time I didn't have to eat them? 

Mommy, what is that black thing doing to the human thing?

 Sorry Watson, I forgot you're still a baby.

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