Tuesday, August 14, 2012

French Twist, I hate thee!

If there ever was another hair style that has driven me bonkers besides the French Braid it is the goddamned French Twist. (What is it about the fucking French by the way? Everything's so goddamned complicated despite the simple look. -shakesh of the fist.)

I've *never* managed a twist. Ever. Even when my hair was past shoulders. Its either a) much too thick to be properly twisted or b) much too long to be properly twisted.

I end up with some lopsided alien-look, the pins get spit out or if I finally achieve perfection it falls apart shortly after.

I don't know if I'm using the wrong pins or wrong technique. Either way, I've managed some pretty cool updos trying to figure it out.

I has to split the hair in to two sections. It came out lopsided but it did hold like a rock. Yay for a practice run! It hasn't made its way out of the house yet, though. My hair is considerably longer than it was in this picture and I have a hard time winding the twist and making it look *neat*.

I gave up on the twist and did something else. Sadly, I can't figure out what it was. Ps: I adore that rose. I think I left it in California when I visited a month ago. :(  Oh well. It was easy to make!

Totally not a french twist. I just gave up trying that day. Maybe I should make a tutorial on it? Bah. Doubt anyone really cares anyway. Its not like anyone reads this blog. :P

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